
Thursday 6 October, 2011

स्टॉकहोम इस्रायलचे शास्त्रज्ञ डॅनिएल शेक्टमान यांना 2011 वर्षाचे रसायनशास्त्राचे नोबेल पारितोषिक जाहीर झालं आहे. शेक्टमान यांनी १९८२ साली केलेल्या संशोधनामुळे रसायनशास्त्रज्ञांचा घनरूप पदार्थामधील द्रव्याकडे पाहण्याचा दृष्टिकोन बदलला होता. याची पोचपावती म्हणून त्यांना हा सर्वोच्च बहुमान प्रदान करण्यात आला. अशक्य समजल्या जाणा-या मोझेकसारख्या रासायनिक संरचना असलेल्या क्वासिक्रिस्टल च्या शोधाबद्दल शेक्टमान यांना नोबेल पारितोषिक देण्यात येत असल्याचं रॉयल स्वीडिश अकॅडमीनं जाहीर केलंय. स्फटिकांमधील अणू , सममिती म्हणजे एकसमान व पुनरावृत्ती होणा-या रचनेच्या स्वरुपात बंदिस्त असतात असे वाटत होते. मात्र , हे अणू पुनरावृत्ती न होऊ शकणा-या रचनेमध्ये बंदिस्त करता येऊ शकतात, हे शेक्टमान यांनी सिद्ध करून दाखवले. सुरुवातीला त्यांच्या या संशोधनाला प्रचंड विरोध झाला. ते ज्या संशोधक चमूमध्ये काम करत होते, त्यातून त्यांची हकालपट्टीही करण्यात आली होती. पण शेक्टमान मागे हटले नाहीत.

Monday 29 August, 2011

बाबुराम भट्टराय यांची नेपाळचे नवे पंतप्रधान

माओवाद्यांचे व्हाईस चेअरमन बाबुराम
भट्टराय याची आज नेपाळचे नवे पंतप्रधान
म्हणून निवड झाली.

तराईच्या माधेसी अलायन्सने देशातील
राजकीय अशाश्वतता , अस्थिरता नष्ट
होण्याच्या दृष्टीने
माओवाद्यांना पाठिंबा दिल्याने
माओवाद्यांना पुन्हा सत्तेवर येणे शक्य झाले.
भट्टराय यांचे शिक्षण भारतात झाले आहे.

Thursday 18 August, 2011

अमेरिकन पेन पुरस्कार २ भारतीयांना जाहीर

अमेरिकेतील मानाच्या ' पेन ' साहित्य पुरस्कारासाठी यंदा पुलित्झर विजेते लेखक सिद्धार्थ मुखर्जी आणि लेखक - पत्रकार मनू जोसेफ या दोन भारतीयांची निवड झाली आहे .
पेन अमेरिकन सेंटरतर्फे विविध १७ विभागांसाठी हे पुरस्कार घोषित करण्यात
आले . यंदापासूनच सुरू झालेल्या १० हजार अमेरिकन डॉलर्स रकमेच्या इ . ओ . विल्सन
लिटररी सायन्स रायटिंग अॅवॉर्डसाठी सिद्धार्थ मुखर्जी यांच्या ' द एम्परर ऑफ
मेलडीज ' ची निवड झाली तर मनू घोष यांच्या ' सीरियस मेन ' लाही पेन
पुरस्काराचा मान मिळाला.

भारतीय नौदलात रशियन पाणबुड्या दाखल होणार!

भारतीय नौदलात दाखल होणाऱ्या के-१५२ या रशियन पाणबुडीची चाचणी सध्या जपानच्या समुदात घेण्यात येत आहे.
अणूहल्ल्याची क्षमता असलेल्या या अकुला-टू
पाणबुड्यांची यशस्वी चाचणी पूर्ण होताच
दहा वर्षांच्या लीजवर त्या भारतीय नौदलात दाखल होतील.
रशियन नौदलातील
अधिकारी आणि पाणबुड्यांचे निर्माते तज्ज्ञ
यांच्या देखरेखीखाली या पाणबुड्यांची चाचणी सुरू
आहे. या चाचण्या पूर्ण
झाल्यानंतर सप्टेंबर-नोव्हेंबर या कालावधीत
भारतीय नौदलात त्या सामील होतील.
' नेर्फा'ने निर्माण केलेल्या या पाणबुड्यांविषयी भारताकडून तरी काहीही आक्षेप नोंदवले गेलेले नाहीत.
व्लॉडिवोस्टोक येथून
येणाऱ्या जहाजावरून या पाणबुड्या ऑगस्ट
महिन्यांच्या अखेरीस भारतीय नौदलाकडे
सुपूर्द केल्या जातील.

Wednesday 10 August, 2011

थायलंडच्या पंतप्रधान पदी यिँगलुक शिनावात्रा

यिंगलुक शिनावात्रा यांची थायलंडच्या पंतप्रधान म्हणून निवड निश्चित झाली आहे .
पंतप्रधानपदावर निवड झालेल्या ४४ वर्षांच्या यिंगलुक थायलंडच्या पहिल्या महिला असतील .
 थायलंडच्या २८ व्या पंतप्रधान म्हणून त्या शपथ घेतील .
त्यांची ' फिआ थाई पार्टी ' आणि सहकारी पक्षांनी कनिष्ठ सभागृहात तीन पंचमांश बहुमत मिळवत सत्ताधारी डेमोक्रॅट्सला खडे चारले .

सौर ऊर्जेवरआधारित नासाचे ' जुनो ' हे अंतराळयान ' गुरु ' ग्रहाच्या सफरीसाठी अवकाशात!

सौर ऊर्जेवरआधारित नासाचे ' जुनो ' हे
अंतराळयान पाच वर्षांच्या ' गुरु ' ग्रहाच्या सफरीसाठी अवकाशात झेपावले आहे .
सौरमालेतील सर्वात मोठ्या ग्रहाचा अभ्यास करण्यासाठी हे यान पाठवण्यात आले आहे .
फ्लोरिडा येथील हवाई दलाच्या तळावरून चार रॉकेट्सच्या सहय्याने
अंतराळाकडे झेपावले . यानंतर तासाभरात '
जुनो ' ने अंतराळातील आपला प्रवास सुरू केला .
हे यान १ . १ अब्ज अमेरिकन डॉलर्स खर्चून
बनविण्यात आले आहे . आतापर्यंत गुरुवर
पाठवण्यात आलेल्या अंतराळ यानांपेक्षा हे
यान वेगळे असून ते गुरुच्या सर्वाधिक जवळ जाणार आहे. या मोहिमेदरम्यान
गेल्या ३०० वर्षांपासून वैज्ञानिकांना संभ्रमात पाडलेल्या गुरुवरील गडद लाल ठिपक्याचे रहस्य उलगडले जाणार आहे.

Wednesday 3 August, 2011

जुनागढ केशर आंब्यास मिळाले जिओग्राफिकल इंडिकेशन!

गुजरातच्या जुनागढ केशर
आंब्याने आता आंतरराष्ट्रीय ओळख मिळवली आहे.
गिरनार पर्वतरांगांच्या पायथ्याशी पिकणाऱ्या या आंब्याला जिओग्राफिकल
इंडिकेशन (GI) मिळाल्याने तो 'गिर केसर' या नावाने ओळखला जाईल.
उत्तरप्रदेशच्या दशहरी आंब्यानंतर जीआय
रजिस्ट्रेशन मिळवलेला आंब्याचा हा दुसरा वाण आहे. याचा फायदा जुनागढमधल्या शेतकऱ्यांना होणार असून यापुढे वलसाड, कच्छ भागात
पिकणारा केशर आंबा हा गिर केशरच्या नावावर खपवला जाणार नाही. असे
आढळल्यास जीआय कायद्यानुसार त्याला एक ते
दोन वर्षे तुरुंगवास होऊ शकतो.
जुनागढ आणि आम्रेली जिल्ह्यात हा आंबा पिकवला जातो. खुद्द जुनागढच्या नबाबाने 'केशर' असे नामकरण केलेला हा आंबा आहे.

Tuesday 2 August, 2011

ए. के. ब्राऊन भारताचे नवे एअर चीफ मार्शल

एअर चीफ मार्शल प्रदीप
वसंत नाईक यांच्याकडून
एअर मार्शल नॉर्मन अनिल
कुमार ब्राऊन यांनी भारताच्या हवाई दल
प्रमुख पदाची सूत्रे स्वीकारली आणि ते एअर
चीफ मार्शल झाले. हवाई दल ब्राऊन यांना ‘चार्ली ब्राऊन’ या विशेषनामाने
ओळखते. ते भारतीय हवाई दलाचे २३ वे प्रमुख
आहेत. लढाऊ
विमानाच्या वैमानिकाच्या हाती भारतीय
हवाई दलाची सूत्रे
देण्याची परंपरा याही खेपेस पाळण्यात आली.

यशवंत देव यांना लता मंगेशकर पुरस्कार जाहिर

‘ शुक्रतारा मंद वारा ’ , ‘ जीवनात ही घडी अशीच राहू दे ’ , ‘ अखेरचे येतील
माझ्या ’ , यासारख्या सुमधूर गाण्यांनी मराठी रसिक श्रोत्यांच्या मनात
कायमचं घर करणारे ज्येष्ठ संगीतकार यशवंत देव
यांना यंदाचा गानसम्राज्ञी लता मंगेशकर पुरस्कार जाहीर झाला आहे. दोन लाख रुपये रोख, मानचिन्ह, सन्मानपत्र, शाल आणि श्रीफळ असं या पुरस्काराचं स्वरूप आहे.
संगीत क्षेत्रात अतुलनीय योगदान देणा-
या व्यक्तींना राज्य सरकारतर्फे गेली अनेक
वर्षं लतादीदींच्या जन्मदिनी लता मंगेशकर
पुरस्कारानं गौरवण्यात येतं.
यंदा या पुरस्कारासाठी निवड समितीनं यशवंत देव यांच्या नावाची शिफारस
केली होती, त्यावर आज सांस्कृतिक कार्यमंत्री संजय देवतळे यांच्या अध्यक्षतेखालील समितीनं
शिक्कामोर्तब केलं. यापूर्वी हा पुरस्कार सुमन
कल्याणपूर, महेंद्र कपूर, खय्याम, सुलोचना चव्हाण आदि मान्यवरांना प्रदान
करण्यात आला आहे.

केशेगाव साखर कारखान्याची सौरउर्जा क्षेत्रात आघाडी

उस्मानाबाद जिल्ह्यातील केशेगाव येथील डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर सहकारी साखर कारखान्याने सुमारे १७ कोटी रूपये खर्चून सौर ऊर्जा प्रकल्प उभारला आहे.
क्रिस्टाइल फलकाच्या आधारे सौर ऊर्जा निमिर्ती करणारा हा देशातील
पहिला सहकारी कारखाना ठरला आहे.
या प्रकल्पातून निर्माण होणारी वीज महावितरण खरेदी करणार असून
या प्रकल्पातून दरवर्षी सुमारे १६ लाख युनीट वीज निमिर्ती होणार आहे.

Monday 1 August, 2011

फुले धन्वंतरी - सर्जिकल कापसाचे नवे वाण !

राहुरी येथील महात्मा फुले
कृषी विद्यापीठात या कापसाचे नवे
वाण शोधण्यात आले.
त्याचे नावही ‘फुले
धन्वंतरी’ असे ठेवण्यात आले आहे.
सुती कपडय़ासाठी लागणारा धागा लांब
असावा, त्यात ताकद
असावी याला प्राधान्य असते. पण दवाखान्यात वापरला जाणारा कापूस मुलायम असावा लागतो.
त्याची पाणी शोषून घेण्याची, साठविण्याची व पुन्हा सोडून देण्याची क्षमता अधिक असावी लागते.
असाच मुलायम कापूस शोधण्यात आला.
दवाखान्यांमध्ये कापसाची मोठी गरज असते.
माणसांच्या जखमा धुण्यासाठी हा कापूस
वापरला जातो. खानदेशात वाय १ व जेएलओ
७९४ या गावठी वाणाचा कापूस त्यासाठी वापरला जातो. देशात
आता प्रथमच वैद्यकीय वापरासाठी निवड
पद्धतीने कापूस संशोधित करण्यात आला. नेहमीच्या कापसाला जखमेतील
पाणी शोषून घेण्यासाठी दहा सेकंद लागतात. नव्या संशोधित ‘फुले धन्वंतरी’ जातीचा कापूस अवघ्या १.९ सेकंदात जखमेतील पाणी शोषून घेतो.
शोषलेले पाणी पुन्हा दोन सेकंदांत सोडतो. इतर
कापसाला त्यासाठी दहा सेकंद लागतात.
या कापसाची पाणी साठवणक्षमताही अधिक
आहे. एक ग्रॅम कापूस २६ ग्रॅम पाणी शोषून घेतो. अन्य कापूस मात्र २४ ग्रॅम पाणी शोषून घेतो.
‘फुले धन्वंतरी’चे उत्पादनही प्रचलित
देशी वाणापेक्षा २२ टक्के अधिक म्हणजे हेक्टरी १ हजार ४२० आहे.
शिवाय हा कापूस जीवाणूजन्य व बुरशीजन्य करपा व दहिया या रसशोषक रोगाला प्रतिकारक आहे.
‘सर्जिकल कापूस’ हा प्रामुख्याने
पाणी शोषून घेणारा लागतो.

Friday 29 July, 2011

शब्बीर अली ध्यानचंद पुरस्काराचे मानकरी

भारताचे माजी फुटबॉल कर्णधार शब्बीर अली यांना भारतातील क्रिडा क्षेत्रातील मानाचा आणि प्रतिष्ठेचा समजला जाणारा ध्यानचंद पुरस्कार जाहीर झाला आहे . हा पुरस्कार मिळविणारे ते पहिलेच फुटबॉलपटू आहेत.
५५ वर्षीय अली मूळचे हैदराबादचे आहेत.
भारताकडून ते शंभरहून अधिक आंतरराष्ट्रीय
सामने खेळले आहेत . यात त्यांच्या नावावर ३५
हून अधिक गोल आहेत . खेळाडू म्हणून लौकिक
मिळविल्यानंतर त्यांनी अनेक क्लबचे प्रशिक्षक
म्हणून काम पाहिले . भारतीय फुटबॉलमधील
या योगदानाबद्दल अली यांना हा पुरस्कार
जाहीर झाला आहे.
हॉकीचे जादूगर मेजर ध्यानचंद यांच्या नावाने हा पुरस्कार २००२ पासून दिला जात आहे . पाच लाख रुपये रोख , स्मृतीचिन्ह
असे या पुरस्काराचे स्वरुप आहे .

Thursday 28 July, 2011

निलिमा मिश्रा आणि हरिश हांडे यांना रेमन मँगेसेसे पुरस्कार जाहिर

रॅमन मॅगसेसे पुरस्कार
फाउंडेशनच्या अध्यक्षा कार्मेन्सिटा ऍबिला यांनी या वर्षीच्या पुरस्कारांची घोषणा केली. दोन भारतीयांसह सहा जणांना आशियातील सर्वांत
प्रतिष्ठेचा रॅमन मॅगसेसे पुरस्कार जाहीर झाला. महाराष्ट्रातील नीलिमा मिश्रा आणि हरीश हांडे या भारतीयांना त्यांच्या सामाजिक व आर्थिक उन्नतीसाठी या पुरस्काराने गौरविण्यात आले आहे.
नीलिमा मिश्रा यांनी भगिनी निवेदिता ग्रामीण विज्ञान निकेतनच्या माध्यमातून उत्तर महाराष्ट्रात ग्रामविकासाचेनवे मॉडेल विकसित केल्याचे पुरस्कार समितीने म्हटले आहे.
बचतगटाच्या माध्यमातून त्यांनी गरीब महिलांना आर्थिकदृष्ट्या सक्षम करण्यात मोलाचा वाटा उचलला आहे. पुणे विद्यापीठातून शिक्षण घेतलेल्या मिश्रा यांनी 200 खेड्यांत 1800 बचतगटांची स्थापना करून 50 लाख अमेरिकी डॉलर्सचे कर्ज वितरित केले. बंगळुरूच्या हरीश हांडे यांना गरिबांच्या आर्थिक उन्नतीसाठी केलेल्या कार्याबद्दल त्यांना हा पुरस्कार जाहीर झाला आहे. हांडे यांनी "सेस्को' ही कंपनी स्थापन करून
गरिबांना अतिशय कमी खर्चात व परवडणाऱ्या दरांत सौरउर्जेचे तंत्रज्ञान उपलब्ध करून दिले.
त्यांच्यामुळे ग्रामीण भागांतील खेड्यातील अनेक गरीब कुटुंबांना रोजगाराची संधी आणि शाश्वत ऊर्जा उपलब्ध झाली. आयआयटी (खरगपूर) मध्ये शिकलेल्या हांडे यांना यापूर्वी सन 2005 मध्ये
"ग्रीन ऑस्कर' जाहीर झाला आहे.

Wednesday 27 July, 2011

लोकमान्य टिळक सन्मान पुरस्कार डाँ. कोटा नारायणन यांना जाहीर

हलक्या विमानांचा महत्त्वाकांक्षी प्रकल्प
यशस्वीपणे राबवून
देशाची संरक्षणसज्जता बळकट करणारे
ज्येष्ठ शास्त्रज्ञ डॉ.
कोटा हरिनारायण यांना लोकमान्य टिळक
स्मारक ट्रस्टतर्फे देण्यात
येणारा यंदाचा ‘लोकमान्य टिळक
सन्मान पारितोषिक’ जाहीर झाला आहे.
एक लाख रुपये, सुवर्णपदक,
स्मृतिचिन्ह आणि सन्मानपत्र असे
पुरस्काराचे स्वरूप आहे.
लोकमान्य टिळकांच्या ९१ व्या पुण्यतिथीदिनी
१ ऑगस्ट रोजी या पारितोषिकाचे वितरण केले जाणार आहे.

' टाईमच्या ' जगातील कर्तृत्ववान पत्नींच्या यादीत झाशीची राणी लक्ष्मीबाईंना स्थान!

मेरी झाँसी नही दूँगी...
अशी गर्जना करत
इंग्रजांशी लढाईच्या मैदानात दोन
हात करणारी झांशीची राणी लक्ष्मीबाई
यांचा आंतरराष्ट्रीय प्रतिष्ठेच्या
'टाइम ' मॅगझिनने अनोखा गौरव
केला आहे.
आपल्या पतीच्या कर्तृत्वामागे
खंबीरपणे उभ्या राहणा-या ' टॉप १० '
पत्नींची यादी मॅगझिनने तयार
केली असून, त्यामध्ये
राणी लक्ष्मीबाईना मानाचे स्थान देण्यात आले आहे. टाइम मॅगझिनने जगातील टॉप १० पत्नींची यादी तयार केली आहे.
या यादीत राणी लक्ष्मीबाई
यांना आठवे स्थान मिळाले आहे.
अमेरिकेचे राष्ट्रपती बराक
ओबामा यांच्या पत्नी मिशेल ओबामा,
स्पेनची राणी इझाबेल
आणि इजिप्तची बहुचर्चित
राणी क्लिओपात्रा यांचाही यादीत
समावेश आहे.
टाइम मॅगझिनने राणी लक्ष्मीबाई
यांचा गौरव करता म्हटले आहे की, १९
व्या शतका एका सुखीसंपन्न कुटुंबात
आलेली लक्ष्मीबाई
झांशीची राणी बनली.
लक्ष्मीबाईंनी आपल्या बालवयातच
युद्धकलेचे धडे गिरवले होते.
१८५३ मध्ये वारस नसल्याचे कारण पुढे करत
ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनीने त्यांचे
झांशीचे साम्राज्य हडप केले.
या घटनेनंतर चार वर्षांनी ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनीच्या विरोधात
रक्तरंजित उठाव सुरू झाला.
राणी लक्ष्मीबाई यांनी या लढाईत उडी घेतली आणि अनेक लढायांमध्ये
बलाढ्य ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनीला पाणी पाजले.
इंग्रजांशी लढत असतानाच
घोड्याच्या पाठीवरच त्यांना वीरमरण
आले. त्यावेळी त्यांचे वय फक्त २२ वर्षांचे होते, असे टाइम मॅगझिनने
आवर्जुन नमूद केले आहे.
टाइम मॅगझिनमधील हा गौरवपूर्ण लेख
माजी विदेश राज्यमंत्री शशी थरूर
यांचे पुत्र ईशान थरूर
यांनी लिहिला आहे.

टॉप १० पत्नींच्या यादीत अमेरिकेचे माजी राष्ट्रपती फ्रँकलिन डी. रूझवेल्ट यांच्या पत्नी इलेनोर
रूझवेल्ट पहिल्या क्रमांकावर,
स्पेनची राणी दुस-या स्थानी तर जून
कार्टर कॅश यांना तिसरा क्रमांक देण्यात आला आहे.
इजिप्तची बहुचर्चित
महाराणी क्लिओपात्रा चौथ्या क्रमांकावर,
अलास्काच्या माजी गर्व्हनर साराह पालिन पाचव्या क्रमांकावर, इलेन
डी गेनेरेस
आणि पोर्सियो डी रोसी सहाव्या क्रमांकावर,
मिशेल ओबामा सातव्या क्रमांकावर,
बिल गेट्सची पत्नी मिलिंडा गेटस
नवव्या क्रमांकावर तर वादग्रस्त
गोल्फ खेळाडू टायगर वूड्स
यांची पत्नी इलिन नोरडेग्रेन
दहाव्या क्रमांकावर आहेत..

Tuesday 26 July, 2011

भारत आणि दक्षिण कोरिया यांच्यात नागरी अणुऊर्जा सहकार्य करार

राष्ट्रपती प्रतिभाताई पाटील दक्षिण कोरिया आणि मंगोलिया या दोन देशांच्या दौऱ्‍यावर असून भारत व दक्षिण कोरिया यांच्यात दि. २५ जुलै २०११ रोजी
नागरी अणुऊर्जा सहकार्य करार करण्यात आला असून यामुळे भारतातील
अणुऊर्जा प्रकल्पाच्या बांधणीमध्ये
सहभागी होण्याचा द. कोरियाचा मार्ग
मोकळा झाला आहे.

राष्ट्रपती प्रतिभाताई पाटील आणि द.कोरियाचे ली म्युँग बंक यांच्यातील
चर्चेनंतर हा करार करण्यात आला.
२००८ मध्ये अणू पुरवठादार गटाने
दिलेल्या संमतीनंतर द.
कोरियाला भारताशी हा करार करता आला.
या गटामध्ये अमेरिका, फ्रान्स, रशिया,
कॅनडा, मंगोलिया, कझाकस्तान,
अर्जेटिना व नामिबिया यांचा समावेश
दक्षिण कोरिया सध्या २०
अणुऊर्जा प्रकल्प चालवित असून
त्याद्वारे त्यांच्या विजेच्या ३५
टक्के गरजा पूर्ण
करण्यासाठी ऊर्जा निर्मिती केली जात

यामुळे द. कोरिया हा भारतातील अणुऊर्जा विकासकामातील नववा सहकारी देश बनला आहे.

Monday 25 July, 2011

पाकिस्तानला मिळाली पहिली महिला परराष्ट्रमंत्रीपाकिस्तानला मिळाली पहिली महिला परराष्ट्रमंत्री

दहशतवाद्यांच्या विळख्यात
सापडलेल्या पाकिस्तानला पहिल्या महिला परराष्ट्रमंत्री मिळणार
आहेत.हा मान मिळाला आहे,
हिना रब्बानी खार यांना.
राजकारणाच्या दृष्टीने संवेदनशील
अशा या पदाची जबाबदारी सांभाळणा-
या खार या सर्वात तरूण मंत्री ठरणार
वर्षांपूर्वी त्या सत्ताधारी पाकिस्तान
पीपल्स पार्टीच्या सदस्य बनल्या.
त्या आधी, त्या पाकिस्तान मुस्लीम
लीग क्यू या अमीरउमरावांचा पक्ष
म्हणून ओळखल्या जाणा-या पक्षात

Sunday 24 July, 2011

द्रोणावली हरिका भारताची 2री महिला ग्रँडमास्टर

आंध्रप्रदेशची खेळाडू

द्रोणावली हरिका हिने चीनमधील

हांगझुओ येथील
महिलांच्या ग्रँडमास्टर स्पर्धेत
साडेपाच गुण मिळवीत
खुल्या गटाच्या ग्रँडमास्टर
किताबास गवसणी घातली. हा मान
मिळविणारी ती भारताची दुसरी महिला खेळाडू
आहे. यापूर्वी कोनेरु हंपीने हा मान
मिळविला आहे.
हरिकाने यापूर्वी आंतरराष्ट्रीय
मास्टर व महिला ग्रँडमास्टर हे
दोन्ही किताब मिळविले आहेत.

Saturday 23 July, 2011

माळढोक अभयारण्याचे वनक्षेत्र 86% ने कमी

माळढोक पक्ष्यासाठीच्या सोलापूर व
नगर जिल्हय़ांमध्ये
पसरलेल्या अभयारण्यातून ८६ टक्के
क्षेत्र वगळण्याचा ऐतिहासिक निर्णय
आज सर्वोच्च न्यायालयाने दिला.
त्यामुळे आतापर्यंत ८,४९६ चौरस
किलोमीटर क्षेत्रफळ असलेले हे
अभयारण्य आता केवळ १ हजार २२२ चौरस
किलोमीटरचे उरणार आहे.या आदेशामुळे सोलापूर
जिल्हय़ातील मोहोळ, माढा,
करमाळा आणि सोलापूर या चार
तालुक्यांचा, तर अहमदनगर जिल्हय़ातील
नेवासा, श्रीगोंदा आणि कर्जत अशा तीन
तालुक्यांमध्ये आता गेल्या २५-३०
वर्षांपासून रखडलेल्या अनेक
विकासकामांना चालना मिळणार आहे.
या अभयारण्याचे क्षेत्र निर्धारित
करण्यासाठी भारतीय वन्यजीव
संस्थेचे माजी संचालक डॉ. विश्वास
यांच्या अध्यक्षतेखाली तज्ज्ञांच्या समितीची स्थापना करण्यात
आली होती. या समितीने हे क्षेत्र
कमी करण्याची शिफारस केली होती.
हा अहवाल केंद्रीय वन्यजीव मंडळ,
तसेच अभयारण्य क्षेत्रातील
विकासकामांबाबत अंतिम निर्णय
घेणाऱ्या ‘सेंट्रल एम्पॉवरमेंट
कमिटी’नेही उचलून धरला होता.
हा अहवाल ग्राहय़ धरून सर्वोच्च
न्यायमूर्ती राधाकृष्णन आणि न्या.
सी. के. प्रसाद यांच्या खंडपीठाने
हा निर्णय दिला.

source: Loksatta

Monday 27 June, 2011

PSI Prelim 2011's question paper series B dated 26 June 2011

1 To stop the practice of child
Marriage Gopal Ganesh Agarkar
put his side by writing an article
in keshari that-----------
(1) Society should ban this
(2) Law should ban this practice
(3) This practise should be
stoppet byspreading women
(4) Hindu religion should take
intiative to stop this practice
2 Marathi drama ' Trutiya Ratna '
written by-------------
(1) Maharshi Karve
(2) Mahatma phule
(3) Dadoba Pandurang
(4) Vishnushatri Pandit
3 Aagarkar was well wisher of
Pandita Ramabai's
(1) Mahilashram
(2) Stree Sudharak Kendra
(3) Stree Aadhar Kendra
(4) Sharda Sadan
4 What was the name of the
boarding school established for
the untouchable students by
Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj?
(1) Victoria Hostel
(2) Miss. Clark Hostel
(3) S.M. Kreser Hostel
(4) Shri Fhitziral hostel
5 On Which topic the essay
written by Muktai a fourteen
years old girl in Mahtma Phule's
School based on?
(1) Social condition
(2) Religious condition
(3) Women Condition
(4) Educational Condition
6 Maharshi karve was the
Professor of Mathematics in
---------- college at pune.
(1) Fergussson
(2) Deccan
(3) Sir Parshurambhau
(4) Wadia
7 Maharshi Karve started an
institution in 1936 A.D. to spread
education among
(1) Mahila vidyalaya
(2) Anath Balikaashram
(3) Gram Prathmik Shikshan
(4) Samata Munch
8 'Satyashodhak Samaj' of
Mahtma Phule raised the voice
against -----------
(1) Women's Slavery
(2) Religious Slavery
(3) Social Slavery
(4) Farmer's Slavery
9 Which Biographer described
Shahu Maharaj as the Pioneer of
making the announcement of
arrival of new era?
(1) Dhananjay Keer
(2) R.B. Parasnis
(3) Maharaj Vitthal Ramji Shinde
(4) Dr. D. Y. Fadke
10 Karve had established
------------------ Society to serve the
(1) Gram Mandal
(2) Women University
(3) Gramraksha
(4) Nishkam Karmmath
11 Aagarkar was the Editor of
(1) Shatpatre
(2) Harijan
(3) Sudharak
(4) Maratha
12 Which was the Revoulationary
Act Of Shahu Maharaj Who
advocated social freedom of men
and women?
(1) Widow Remarriage Act
(2) Inter Caste Marriage Act
(3) Diveroce and Heritage Act
(4) Cruel Behaviour Preventive Act
13 What was the objectof Gopal
Ganesh Aagarkar behind starting
the weely " sudharak"?
(1) Acceptance of western
(2) Acceptance of male-female
(3) Acceptance of new scientific
(4) Acceptance of human
14 Tilak wrote 'Gita Rahasya, in
------------- jail.
(1) Andaman
(2) Yaravada
(3) Manadalay
(4) Ahmednagar
15 In which organization
"Samata Sangha" established on
21st April, 1944 by Maharshi
Karve, was included?
(1) Jati- Nirmulan Sanstha
(2) Stree-Purush Samata Sangh
(3) Stree-Purush shikshan
(4) Savadharmiya sangh
16 From where the inspiration of
wstablishing the University of
women (3rd June, 1916 ) was
taken by Maharshi Karve?
(1) America women;'s University
(2) Moscow women;'s University
(3) Japan women;'s University
(4) France women;'s University
17 For which theses in
Economics, London University
awarded ' The degree of Doctor
of Science ' to Dr. Ambedkar in
(1) The Problems of ' rupee '
(2) The Problems of money
(3) 'Administrations and finance
at the East India company '
(4) 'The evoulation at principal
finance in British India '
18 In which weekely the articles
of Dr. Ambedkar are reffered as "
Thoughtful books decorated by
the beauty of style "?
(1) Muknayak
(2) Bahishkrut Bharat
(3) Samatapatra
(4) Prabuddha Bharat
19 Who started numbers of free
schools in Kolhapur?
(1) Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil
(2) Shahu Maharaj
(3) G.K. Gokhale
(4) Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar
20 Who wrote the book entitled "
Dongarichya Turungatil 101
(1) Lokmanya Tilak
(2) chiplunkar
(3) Aagarkar
(4) Dr. Ambedkar.
21 Area wise India ranks
--------------- in the world.
(1) Third
(2) Fifth
(3) Seventh
(4) Ninth
22 The Zaskar, Ladakh,
Karakoram, Ranges are located in
(1) Kumaun
(2) Kashmir
(3) Eastern
(4) Central
23 ------------- is the highest Water
fall in India.
(1) Jog
(2) Nayagar
(3) Kapildhara
(4) Shivsamudra
24 The cattle census is
conducted after every ----------
years in India.
(1) Ten
(2) Twelve
(3) Seven
(4) Five
25 The river shyok, Zaskar and
Glight are the main tributaries of
river ---------
(1) Ganga
(2) Kosi
(3) Mahananda
(4) Indus
26 ------------ is the leading state
in Tobacco production.
(1) Andhra Pradesh
(2) Maharashtra
(3) Karnataka
(4) Gujrat
27 Solapur-vijapur-Hubli is the
National highway No. --------
(1) Nine
(2) Thirteen
(3) Seven
(4) Eight
28 Which river is known as
sorrow of Bihar?
(1) Kosi
(2) Damodar
(3) Gandak
(4) Ghagra
29 In which soil, the percentage
of iron and aluminium is more?
(1) Black soil
(2) Alluvial Soil
(3) aterite soil
(4) Yellow Soil
30 The number of wild life
sanctuaries and the area under
sanctuaries is more in ----------
(1) Himachal Pradesh
(2) Maharashtra
(3) Gujrat
(4) Rajasthan
31 Salal Hydro Electric Project in
jammu and Kashmir state is
(1) Ravi
(2) Biyas
(3) Chinab
(4) Vyas
32 Largest copper producing
state of India is-----------
(1) Karnataka
(2) Jharkhand
(3) Andhra Pradesh
(4) Uttar Pradesh
33 The proposed Jaitapur Atomic
power project has its location in
-------- District
(1) Ratnagiri
(2) Sindhudurg
(3) Kolhapur
(4) Solapur
34 The largest Tunnel on Konkan
railway route is at ----------------
(1) Aadavqali
(2) Karbude
(3) Diva
(4) Chiplun
35 State the name of district
where leather material (goods)
are produced on a large scale.
(1) Sindhudurg
(2) Ratnagiri
(3) Satara
(4) Kolhapur
36 Which of the following is
known as " Cherapunji in
Maharashtra "?
(1) Matheran
(2) Amboli
(3) Ramtek
(4) Lonawala
37 Which of the following is the
largest district in terms of
population in Maharashtra?
(1) pune
(2) Nagpur
(3) Thane
(4) Kolhapur
38 In which district of
Maharashtra Ajantha- Ellora caves
are located?
(1) Pune
(2) Ahmednagar
(3) Aurangabad
(4) Latur
39 Where is the sugar-cane
research center from the
followinfg places started in
(1) Lonand
(2) Padegoan
(3) Shekhmirewadi
(4) Kagal
40 Which of the following
settlement is not a municipal
(1) Nagpur
(2) Bhiwandi
(3) Pune
(4) Buldhana
41 Uttaranchal, Chhattisgarh,
Jharkhand states were formed
during -----------------
(1) Ninth
(2) Seventh
(3) Eighth
(4) None of these
42 As per tenth plan of India
(2002-2007) still the agricultural
sector estimates to provide
--------- percent employment.
(1) 50.3
(2) 40.4
(3) 45.0
(4) 58.4
43 The formation of Hirakud
project is the result of --------- five
year Plan.
(1) First
(2) Second
(3) Third
(4) Fourth
44 ------------ was the first
President of Planning
(1) Shri. Jawaharlal Nehru
(2) Shri. Rajendra Prasad
(3) Shri. C.D. Deshmukh
(4) Shri. K. C. Pant
45 First fertilizer plant was
established at --------- during the
first five year plan in India.
(1) Bhatinda
(2) Sindri
(3) Kochi
(4) Hajira
46 The period of Eleventh Five
year plan is ------------------
(1) 2008-2013
(2) 2009-2014
(3) 2007-2012
(4) 2010-2015
47 Which of the following
guranteesprotection of
fundamental rights through
judicial intervention?
(1) Art. 32
(2) Art. 25
(3) Art. 14
(4) Art. 30
48 Which of the following is not
an objective of the Directive
principles of state?
(1) Prevention of cow slaughter
(2) Establishment cottage
(3) Promotion of International
(4) Abolishing capital
49 The Constitution of India was
adopted on -----------
(1) November 26, 1949
(2) January 26, 1949
(3) January 26, 1950
(4) November 10, 1949
50 What is the featur of Indian
Judicial system?
(1) A single and unified judicial
(2) Legislative controls the
(3) Government controls the
(4) All of these
51 -------------Anglo-Indian
members are nominated by the
president to the house of
(1) Three
(2) Two
(3) Four
(4) Five
52 ------------- Is the highest law-
making body of the country.
(1) The State Legislature
(2) The Union Executive
(3) Parliament
(4) Judiciary
53 Provision regarding
fundamental rights are made in
--------------- of the Indian
(1) Part I
(2) part II
(3) part III
(4) part IV
54 Judges of the high court shall
be appointed by the------------
(1) Supreme Court
(2) Governor
(3) chief Minister
(4) President
55 The total number of members
in the Legislative counsil of a
state having such Council shall
not less than 40 and shall not
exceed ---- of the total number of
members in the legislative
assembly of that state.
(1) Two third
(2) One Third
(3) One fourth
(4) None of these
56 The governer shall hold office
during the pleasure of
(1) President
(2) Prime Minister
(3) Parliament
(4) Supreme Court
57 ------acts as a link between the
central Government and the State
(1) Chief Minister
(2) Prime Minister
(3) President
(4) Governor
58 The meeting of the state
cabinet presided over
(1) Vice president
(2) Secretary of State
(3) chief Minister
(4) Governor
59 The total number of members
elected to the Lok Sabhaand
Rajya Sabha from Maharashtra
(1) 288
(2) 19
(3) 48
(4) 67
60 provisions regarding new
local self governing bodies in
urban areas werw incorporated
by ---------- amendment
(1) 73rd
(2) 74th
(3) 86th
(4) 42nd
61 Police patil of the village shall
be appointed by-------------
(1) District collector
(2) Sub divisional Officer
(3) Tahsildar
(4) Block Development Officer
62 Which was the first
Committee appointed to finalise
the structure of panchayat Raj in
(1) L.N. Bongirwar
(2) Baburao Kale
(3) Vasantrao Naik
(4) Principal P.B. Patil
63 Which Saint's name has been
attached to the village cleanliness
drive in Maharashtra?
(1) Sant Tukaram Maharaj
(2) Sant Gadge Maharaj
(3) Sant tukdoji Maharaj
(4) Sant namdev Maharaj
64 Gosikhurd Dam is situated in
--------- District
(1) Beed
(2) Jalna
(3) Chandrapur
(4) Gadchiroli
65 How many members in a
Gram Panchayat?
(1) 7 to 10
(2) 7 to 17
(3) 10 to 15
(4) 15 to 20
66 'Jalmani' scheme is related
(1) Providing drinking water to
(2) Providing drinking water to
(3) Conserving rain water
(4) Sensible use of water
67 Give the name of districts that
awarded under the Mahatma
Gandhi employment guarantee
scheme 2005 for their excellence.
(1) Aurangabad and Vardha
(2) Aurangabad and Gadchiroli
(3) Gadchiroli and Dhule
(4) Gadchiroli and Usmanabad
68 From which country that
submarine ' Akula ' has been
purchased by India?
(1) England
(2) France
(3) America
(4) Russia
69 Where is the second 'Marathi
vishwa Sahitya Sammelan ' took
place ?
(1) Hong-Kong
(2) San Francisco
(3) Dubai
(4) New york
70 Who awarded the famous '
Gramy ' award of America?
(1) A.R. Rehman
(2) Zakir Hussain
(3) Naushad
(4) Jatin Lalit
71 Give the name of Prime
Minister of India that Cambridge
University announced the
(1) Indira Gandhi
(2) Jawaharlal nehru
(3) Manmohan Singh
(4) P.V. Narsinghrao
72 Which is the name of country
that well known painter M.F.
Hussain has accepted the
(1) Libya
(2) Oman
(3) Kuwait
(4) Quatar
73 What is the surname of the
actor who performed the role in
(1) Ombale
(2) Vaspate
(3) Goyekar
(4) Boyekar
74 What is the full form of "sez"?
(1) Small Economic zone
(2) Social Economic zone
(3) Special Economic zone
(4) service Economic zone
75 Where does the Yamuna join
the Ganga?
(1) Haridwar
(2) Allahabad
(3) Agra
(4) Meerut
76 The small car launched by
Tata's is Known as---------
(1) Nano
(2) Alto
(3) Summo
(4) Primo
77 Which of the following has
sought asylum in India?
(1) V.S. Naipaul
(2) Salman Rashdie
(3) Taslima Nasreen
(4) Dorris Lessing
78 Who is the President of
National Congress Party?
(1) George Fernandis
(2) R.R. Patil
(3) Laloo Prasad Yadav
(4) Sharad Pawar
79 Year 2008 was celebrated in
maharashtra as
(1) Information Techonology
(2) Sports Year
(3) Literacy Year
(4) Womens Development Year
80 How many Oscar awards
were bagged by the film Slum
Dog Millionaire?
(1) Seven
(2) Ten
(3) Eight
(4) Nine
81 Teacher's Day is celebreated
on the birthday of
(1) Jawaharlal Nehru
(2) S. Radhakrishnan
(3) Rajendra Prasad
(4) Indira Gandhi
82 Why was the
(1) Mumbai Riots
(2) L.K. Adwani
(3) Godhra massacre in Gujrat
(4) Attack on Parliament
83 who amongst the following
was given Mahatma Gandhi
International Award for
reconciliation and peace in
(1) Amartya Sen
(2) L.K. Advani
(3) Soniya Gandhi
(4) Nelson Mandela
84 In which event did Abhinav
bindra win Olympic gold medal?
(1) Air Rifle Shooting
(2) Wrestling
(3) Gymanastic
(4) Long Jump
85 Which state win the best e-
Governance state award in
(1) Maharashtra
(2) Andhra Pradesh
(3) Delhi
(4) Karnataka
86 Gujjars Have been 5 percent
reservation in services in --------
state government?
(1) Gujrat
(2) Rajasthan
(3) Maharashtra
(4) Bihar
87 8th march is observed as
(1) Internationals Womens Day
(2) World AIDS Day
(3) Human Rights Day
(4) World Labour Day
88 Which of the following city
does not have the Mumbai High-
Court bench?
(1) Aurangabad
(2) Nagpur
(3) Panjim'
(4) New Mumbai
89 Where was the G-8 summit
2008 held?
(1) London
(2) Rome
(3) Paris
(4) Hokkaido
90 Who was written the play
'Silence! The Court is in session?
(1) Vijay Tendulkar
(2) Vasant Bapat
(3) Santosh Pawar
(4) Vasant Kanetkar
91 If 25% of a number is 0.25,
then the number is ------------
(1) 12.5
(2) 1.25
(3) 1
(4) 1.5
92 the total of marks of all
students in one class is 2795 and
average is 65 .how many
students are in that class ?
(1) 45
(2) 55
(3) 43
(4) 40
93 1, 5, 11, 19, -- 41
(1) 29
(2) 27
(3) 30
(4) 31
94 If 123456789 *
9=111111111 and
123456789*a=222222222 then
(1) 45
(2) 36
(3) 27
(4) 18
95 In sqare root
(1) 1024
(2) 512
(3) 32
(4) 256
96 3*3*3*3*3/3*3-27=?
(1) 0
(2) 10
(3) 27
(4) 52
97 [(65/13+96/16)*
(1) 15.4
(2) 1.54
(3) 0.154
(4) 0.0154
98 One wedding hall has a length
of 60ft. and width of 45ft. How
many tiles of length and width
3ft are required for its flooring?
(1) 450
(2) 600
(3) 900
(4) 300
99 what is the difference in place
value of 6 in number 7663?
(1) 660
(2) 540
(3) 630
(4) 450
100 which of the following No. is
completely divisible by 5?
(1) 3752
(2) 3725
(3) 2537
(4) 3876
101 The area of circular cricket
ground is 20096 sq.m. to mark
boundary line 5m. inside from
the outer edge of the ground for
four run marking, how many
meter rope is needed?
(1) 502.4m
(2) 402.4m
(3) 471m
(4) 571m
102 If 10x+24=29x+5, then x=?
(1) -1
(2) +1
(3) +2
(4) +3
103 what will be the time
required for 400mmeter long
train to cross 400 meter long
bridge when it is travelling with
speed of 45km/hr?
(1) 64sec.
(2) 85sec.
(3) 36sec.
(4) 70sec.
104 Kshitij's cargives milage of
13 km/litre and petrol cost is
Rs.51.55 per litre. If Kshitij goes
for a journey of 350 km, what
will be amount he will be
spending on petrol?
(1) Rs. 1,388
(2) Rs. 1,358
(3) Rs. 1,348
(4) Rs. 1,338
105 If average of 15, 7, 16, 8 and
K is then the value of K is--------
(1) 20
(2) 18
(3) 9
(4) 19
106 17/12/(-85/36)=
(1) 3/5
(2) 5/3
(3) -5/3
(4) -3/5
107 Amit averages 6 computer
service calls per day and Nitin
averages 8 computer services
calls per day. If Amit's average
charge is 3/2 times as much as
that of Nitin, who earns Rs.
8,000/- in a month then how
much Amit earn in that month?
(1) Rs. 6000/-
(2) Rs. 10,000/-
(3) Rs. 7,000/-
(4) Rs. 9,000/-
108 If 3756x25=93900, then
(1) 9.3900
(2) 93.900
(3) 939
(4) 93900
109 Three numbers such that
first nuber is double of second
number and triple of the third
number. the average of these
number is 44. Find out the first
(1) 72
(2) 69
(3) 70
(4) 62
110 Pravin's birth date
is20/07/1969. what is his age on
date 02/04/2010?
(1) 41 years 3 months 18 days
(2) 40 years 3 months 18 days
(3) 40 years 8 months 12 days
(4) 41 years 8 months 12 days
111 Prokaryotic cells are found in
(1) Amoeba
(2) Bacteria
(3) Hydra
(4) Red Cells
112 Alcholism causes deficency
of ---------
(1) Thiamine
(2) Retinol
(3) Niacin
(4) Ascorbic acid
113 If C is velocity of light in air
and refractive index of glass with
respect to air is 1.5 then veloncity
of light in glass is given by
(1) 1.5c
(2) C/1.5
(3) C
(4) (1.5x1.5)C
114 Density of water is
maximum at------------
(1) 4.C
(2) 25.C
(3) 0.C
(4) 73.C
115 HUman being is unable to
digest cellulose of vegetables
(1) Cellulase
(2) Pepsin
(3) Celluline
(4) Cellupase
116 Which of the following is not
form the clas of Pteridophyta?
(1) Filiciane
(2) Musci
(3) Lycopodium
(4) Equisetinae
117 The most effective method
of reproduction in bacteria
(1) Budding
(2) Regeneration
(3) Binary Fission
(4) Gametic Union
118 Malaria disease is caused
(1) plasmodium
(2) Planaria
(3) Filaria
(4) Aurelia
119 The percentage of carbon in
biogeochemical cycle is-------------
(1) 0.03%
(2) 0.3%
(3) 3%
(4) 0.003%
120 Which eye defect arises due
to slight elongation of eye ball?
(1) Myopia
(2) Hypermetropia
(3) Colour blindness
(4) Presbyopia
121 The solution of ---------- in
water is called Vinegat.
(1) Methylated spirit
(2) Acetic Acid
(3) Ethanol
(4) Acetalddehyde
122 Green House Gases are
(1) CH4 and Co2
(2) CH4 and C2H6
(3) CO2 and C2H4
(4) C2H2 and C2H4
123 In photosynthesis green
plants convert solar energy in to
--------- energy
(1) Mechanical
(2) Chemical
(3) Atomic
(4) Electric
124 If two lenses of focal length
10cm each are kept at 10cm
distance away from each other
then what will be power of the
combined lens?
(1) 1D
(2) 10 D
(3) 100 D
(4) 0.1 D
125 The dilute solution of Acetic
acid is called as---------------
(1) Ethylene
(2) paraffin
(3) Benzene
(4) Vinegar
126 Which of the following is
correct and balanced equation
(1) CaCo2+2HCl - Cacl2+H2O+CO2|
(2) CaCO3+HCl - Cacl2+H2O+CO2|
(3) CaCO2+2HCl - Cacl2+H2O+CO2|
(4) CaVO3+2HCl - CaCl+H2O+CO2|
127 How much energy can be
obtained by converting 1 mf
mass into energy?
(1) 9x10 raise to 7 Joule
(2) 3x10 raise to 10 Joule
(3) 9x10 raise to 10 Joule
(4) 3x10 raise to 2 Joule
128 Which of the following
substances gives us the
maximum calories? Assuming
same volume cup is used in each
(1) A cup of ice-cream
(2) A cup of sharbat
(3) A cup of milk
(4) A cup of mango juice
129 A body of mass 'm' moving
with a speed V its kinetic energy
(1) mv square
(2) 1/2 mv square
(3) 1/3 mv square
(4) 1/2 kx square
130 If one litre water is colled
from 4.C to 3.C then
(1) Water's volume decreases
and density incresaes
(2) Water's volume incresaes and
density decreases
(3) Water's volume incresaes and
density remains constant
(4) Water's volume decreases
and density remains constant
131 Which Revoulation had
agreat effect on Indian Workers'
(1) American Revoulation
(2) French Revoulation
(3) Russian Revoulation
(4) Industrial Revoulation
132 Give an appropiate
(A) Foundation of Gadar Party
(B) Episode of chauri Chaura
(C) Gallows of Khudiram Bose
(D) The Revolte of Mopalas
A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4
(1) A,B,C,D (1,2,3,4)
(2) B,A,D,C (2,1,4,3)
(3) C,D,A,B (3,4,1,2)
(4) C,A,D,B (3,1,4,2)
133 What was the object of '
Vahabi Movement'?
(1) Spreading education amon
(2) Unity of all Muslims in the
(3) To oppose Hindu
(4) To establish the Muslim rule.
134 The Economic Policy of
British was Known as----------
(1) wealth of Nation
(2) Drain of wealth
(3) Both (1) and (2)
(4) None of These
135 The Commerciliazation of
Agriculture means------------
(1) To produce the cash crops
(2) To establish industry in
(3) To sell and purchase the
(4) To produce traditional crops
136 Who was the first Indian
thinker firmly stated that " British
Economically Policy" was
responsible for the poverty of
(1) Dadabhai Navroji
(2) V.K.R.V. Rao
(3) Rameshchandra Datta
(4) Vingate
137 Who ws the first president
of the first session of " Indian
National Congress" at Mumbai?
(1) Allen Octavian Hume
(2) Surendranath Banerjee
(3) Wyomeshchandra Baqnerjee
(4) Swatantryaveer Savarkar
138 "Commercialiazation of
agriculture was happned
because of economical policy of
British" means
(1) Developments were made in
agriculture with new inventions
(2) Ownership was transferred
to Zamindars in agriculture
(3) Area under cultivation was
(4) Take production for as much
as profit
139 Who criticized the ' Mont-
Ford Act' of 1919 as " this is
neither Swaraj, nor its
(1) Lala Lajpatrai
(2) Lokmanya Tilak
(3) Mahatma Gandhi
(4) Pandit Nehru
140 -------------- established the
'India House ' in London
(1) Lala Hardayal
(2) Shyamji Krishna Verma
(3) Swatantryaveer Savarkar
(4) Subhashchandra Bose
141 What is de- industrialization
(1) To run industry with the help
of scientific inventions
(2) Creation of huge Industries
(3) Profit was the only aim of
(4) Declination if Industrial
142 In which system
government officers collected the
revenue direcly from farmers?
(1) Permanent Settlement
(2) Rayatwari
(3) Mahalwari
(4) Wayada
143 "In 1917, ---- announced
that the british Covernment
would give India the rights of
self- government and introduce
the system of responsible
government in step by step".
(1) Morley
(2) Minto
(3) Montague
(4) chelmsford
144 British Govt. hanged
Madanlal Dhingra in--------
(1) 1860
(2) 1891
(3) 1900
(4) 1909
145 Who worked unliftment of
Dalits by establishing Dalit Sangh
in 1906?
(1) Mahatma Jyotiba Phule
(2) Shahu Maharaj
(3) Vitthal Ramji Shinde
(4) Sayajirao Gaikwad
146 Read the sentence care fully
(A) V. Chiplunkar B.G.Tilak and G.G.
Aagarkar started " New English
School" at Pune in 1880.
(B) V. Chiplunkar B.G.Tilak and G.G.
Aagarkar started " New English
School" at Pune in 1881.
(1) A is true but B is false
(2) B is true but A is false
(3) Both are false
(4) Both are true
147 By which Act Untochability
was ended?
(1) 1935 Act
(2) 1947 Act
(3) 1951 Act
(4) 1955 Act
148 For the education of
untouchbales Mahatma Phule
started the school at Vetalpeth
(Pune) in the year --------
(1) 1885 A.D.
(2) 1852 A.D.
(3) 1886 A.D.
(4) 1863 A.D.
149 What was the one and only
object behind the work of social
(1) Established of New society
based on Humanity
(2) To Oppose the British
(3) To inculcate religious
(4) To advocate democracy in
150 ----------- opposed the "
pardah " systen and polygamy in
Muslim Society.
(1) Sir Sayyad Ahmad Khan
(2) Barrister Jinnah
(3) Khan Abdul Gafar Khan
(4) Rahemat Ali

Thursday 2 June, 2011

Angela Merkel won Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International Understanding

German Chancellor Angela Merkel
has been chosen for the
prestigious Jawaharlal Nehru
Award for International
Understanding for her enormous
efforts toward sustainable and
equitable development. The jury,
chaired by Vice-President
Mohammad Hamid Ansari, has
decided to confer the award for
2009 on Dr. Angela Merkel.

Jawaharlal Nehru Award for
International Understanding is
an international award
presented by the Government of
India. It was founded in 1965
and is administered by the
Indian Council for Cultural
Relations (ICCR) to people“for
their outstanding contribution to
the promotion of international
understanding, goodwill and
friendship among people of the
world”. The award carries prize
money of Rs.1 crore besides a
trophy and citation.

Angela Merkel won Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International Understanding

German Chancellor Angela Merkel
has been chosen for the
prestigious Jawaharlal Nehru
Award for International
Understanding for her enormous
efforts toward sustainable and
equitable development. The jury,
chaired by Vice-President
Mohammad Hamid Ansari, has
decided to confer the award for
2009 on Dr. Angela Merkel.

Jawaharlal Nehru Award for
International Understanding is
an international award
presented by the Government of
India. It was founded in 1965
and is administered by the
Indian Council for Cultural
Relations (ICCR) to people“for
their outstanding contribution to
the promotion of international
understanding, goodwill and
friendship among people of the
world”. The award carries prize
money of Rs.1 crore besides a
trophy and citation.

Friday 27 May, 2011

G-8 countries

The Group of Eight (G8, and
formerly the G6 or Group of Six)
is a forum, created by France in
1975, for the governments of
six major economies: France,

the United
Kingdom, and
the United States.

In 1976, Canada joined the
group (thus creating the G7). In
1997, the group added Russia,
thus becoming the G8.

addition, theEuropean Union is
represented within the G8, but
cannot host or chair.

"G8" can
refer to the member states or to
the annualsummit meeting of
the G8 heads of government. The
former term, G6, is now
frequently applied to the six most
populous countries within the
European Union. G8 ministers
also meet throughout the year,
such as the G7/8 finance
ministers (who meet four times a
year), G8 foreign ministers, or G8
environment ministers.

Each calendar year, the
responsibility of hosting the G8
rotates through the member
states in the following order:
United States,
Italy, and

The holder of
the presidency sets the agenda,
hosts the summit for that year,
and determines which ministerial
meetings will take place. Lately,
both France and the United
Kingdom have expressed a
desire to expand the group to
include five developing countries,
referred to as the Outreach Five
(O5) or the Plus Five: Brazil,
People's Republic of China, India,
Mexico, and South Africa. These
countries have participated as
guests in previous meetings,
which are sometimes called

With the G-20 major economies
growing in stature since the
2008 Washington summit, world
leaders from the group
announced at their Pittsburgh
summit on September 25, 2009,
that the group will replace the G8
as the main economic council of
wealthy nations.

Saturday 21 May, 2011

Philip Roth wins Man booker international prize 2011

Philip Roth is today announced
as the winner of the fourth Man
Booker International Prize at a
press conference at the Sydney
Opera House. Roth was chosen
from a list of 13 eminent
The Man Booker International
Prize, worth £60,000, is awarded
for an achievement in fiction on
the world stage. It is presented
once every two years to a living
author for a body of work
published either originally in
English or widely available in
translation in the English
language. It has previously been
awarded to Ismail Kadaré in
2005, Chinua Achebe in 2007
and Alice Munro in 2009.
Philip Roth is a literary giant and
one of the world's most prolific,
celebrated - and controversial -
writers. Born in March 1933 in
New Jersey, Roth is best known
for his 1969 novel Portnoy's
Complaint, and for his late-1990s
trilogy comprising the Pulitzer
Prize-winning American Pastoral
I Married a Communist (1998),
and The Human Stain (2000).

Thursday 5 May, 2011

Jaitapur nuclear plant

Jaitapur Nuclear Power Project is
a new proposed 9900 MW
power project of Nuclear Power
Corporation of India (NPCIL) at
Madban village of Ratnagiri
district in Maharashtra.

* It will be the largest nuclear
power generating station in the
world by net electrical power
rating once completed.
On December 6, 2010 agreement
was signed for the construction
of first set of two third-
generation European Pressurized
Reactors/Evolutionary Power
Reactors (EPR) and the supply of
nuclear fuel for 25 years in the
presence of French President
Nicolas Sarkozy and Indian Prime
Minister Manmohan Singh.

* French nuclear engineering firm
Areva S.A. and Indian state-
owned nuclear operator Nuclear
Power Corporation of India
signed this multi billion valued
agreement of about $9.3 billion.

* This is a general framework
agreement along with
agreement on 'Protection of
Confidentiality of Technical Data
and Information Relating to
Nuclear Power Corporation in the
Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy'
was also signed.

* The general framework
agreement is a list of the scope
of work, terms and conditions of
plant life, guarantees and
warrantees, guaranteed plant
load factor. This agreement is
quite important since life of the
reactors is anticipated at 60
years. This general framework
agreement will also include
financial aspect of the project
including the terms and
conditions of funding, debt
funding. Etc...

Reactors planned: 6 x 1650 MW
Reactor types: European
Pressurized Reactor/Evolutionary
Power Reactor
Reactor suppliers: France Areva

Tuesday 3 May, 2011

SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation)

The South Asian Association for
Regional Cooperation (SAARC) is
an organization of South Asian
nations, founded in December

* It is dedicated to economic,
technological, social, and cultural
development emphasizing
collective self-reliance.

* Its seven
founding members are
Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the
Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri

* Afghanistan joined the
organization in 2005.

* Meetings
of heads of state are usually
scheduled annually; meetings of
foreign secretaries, twice

* It is headquartered in
Kathmandu, Nepal.

* The 11 stated areas of
cooperation are agriculture;
education, culture, and sports;
health, population, and child
welfare; the environment and
meteorology; rural development
(including the SAARC Youth
Volunteers Program); tourism;
transport; science and
technology; communications.

* The concept of SAARC was first
adopted by Bangladesh during
1977, under the administration
of President Ziaur Rahman. In the
late 1970s, SAARC nations agreed
upon the creation of a trade bloc
consisting of South Asian
The idea of regional
cooperation in South Asia was
again mooted in May 1980. The
foreign secretaries of the seven
countries met for the first time in
Colombo in April 1981. The
Committee of the Whole, which
met in Colombo in August 1985,
identified five broad areas for
regional cooperation.

* New areas
of cooperation were added in
the following years.


The objectives of the Association
as defined in the Charter are:
* to promote the welfare of the
people of South Asia and to
improve their quality of life;

* to accelerate economic growth,
social progress and cultural
development in the region and to
provide all individuals the
opportunity to live in dignity and
to realize their full potential;

* to promote and strengthen
collective self-reliance among the
countries of South Asia;

* to contribute to mutual trust,
understanding and appreciation
of one another's problems;

* to promote active collaboration
and mutual assistance in the
economic, social, cultural,
technical and scientific fields;

* to strengthen cooperation with
other developing countries;

* to strengthen cooperation
among themselves in
international forums on matters
of common interest; and

* to cooperate with international
and regional organisations with
similar aims and purposes.

* Afghanistan was added to the
regional grouping on 13
November 2005, With the
addition of Afghanistan, the total
number of member states were
raised to eight (8).

Wednesday 27 April, 2011

Mansoon in India

Indian Monsoon, most prominent of the world’s monsoon systems, which primarily affects India and its surrounding water bodies.

It blows from the northeast during cooler months and reverses direction to blow from the southwest during the warmest months of the year. This process brings large amounts of rainfall to the region during June and July.

At the Equator the area near India is unique in that dominant or frequent westerly winds occur at the surface almost constantly throughout the year; the surface easterlies reach only to latitudes near 20° N in February, and even then they have a very strong northerly component.

They soon retreat northward, and drastic changes take place in the upper-air circulation . This is a time of transition between the end of one monsoon and the beginning of the next. Late in March the high-sun season reaches the Equator and moves farther north. With it go atmospheric instability, convectional (that is, rising and turbulent) clouds, and rain. The westerly subtropical jet stream still controls the flow of air across northern India, and the surface winds are northeasterlies.


As the high-sun season (that is, the Northern Hemisphere summer) moves northward during April, India becomes particularly prone to rapid heating because the highlands to the north protect it from any incursions of cold air. There are three distinct areas of relative upper tropospheric warmth—namely,

(1) above the southern Bay of Bengal,

(2) above the Plateau of Tibet, and

(3) across the trunks of the various peninsulas that are relatively dry during this time. These three areas combine to form a vast heat-source region.

The relatively warm area above the southern Bay of Bengal occurs mostly at the 500–100-millibar level. (This atmospheric pressure region typically occurs at elevations between 5,500 and 16,100 metres [18,000 and 53,000 feet] but may vary according to changes in heating and cooling).

It does not appear at a lower level and is probably caused by the release of condensation heat (associated with the change from water vapour to liquid water) at the top of towering cumulonimbus clouds along the advancing intertropical convergence.

In contrast, a heat sink appears over the southern Indian Ocean as the relatively cloud-free air cools by emitting long-wavelength radiation. Monsoon winds at the surface blow from heat sink to heat source. As a result, by May the southwest monsoon is well-established over Sri Lanka, an island off the southeastern tip of the Indian peninsula.

Also in May, the dry surface of Tibet (above 4,000 metres [13,100 feet]) absorbs and radiates heat that is readily transmitted to the air immediately above.

At about 6,000 metres (19,700 feet) an anticyclonic cell arises, causing a strong easterly flow in the upper troposphere above northern India. The subtropical jet stream suddenly changes its course to the north of the anticyclonic ridge and the highlands, though it may occasionally reappear southward of them for very brief periods.

This change of the upper tropospheric circulation above northern India

Saturday 23 April, 2011

Maharashtra Bhushan award

Maharashtra Bhushan
The Maharashtra Bhushan is a
highest and prestigious award
presented annually by the
government ofMaharashtra state
in India.
When the Shivsena- BJP alliance
came to power in 1995, it
proposed to institute this
award.The Mahrashtra Bhushan
was first awarded in 1996. It
was initially conferred in every
years in the fields of Literature,
Art, Sport, and Science. Later the
fields of Social Work, Journalism,
and Public Administration and
Health Services were included.
The award is presented for
outstanding achievement in their
Prize and selection
At present, the award carries a
cash prize of 5lakh (500,000)
rupees, a momento and citation.
[1] The winners are selected by a
committee appointed of the
Government of Maharashtra.
The recipients of the
Maharashtra Bhushan award are
as follows
Year Name Field
1996 Pu La
Deshpande Literature
1997 Lata
Mangeshkar Arts, Music
1999 Vijay Bhatkar Science
2001 Sachin
Tendulkar Sports
2002 Bhimsen Joshi Arts, Music
2003 Abhay and
Rani Bang Medical
2004 Baba Amte Social Work
2005 Raghunath
Mashelkar Science
2006 Ratan Tata Public

2007 R K Patil Social Work

2008 Nana
Dharmadhikari Social Work

2008 Mangesh
Padgaonkar Literature
2009 Sulochana Devi Art, Cinma

2010 Jayant Narlikar Science .

Maharatna companies

In 2009, the government
established the Maharatna status,
which raises a company's
investment ceiling from Rs. 1,000
crore to Rs. 5,000 crore. The
Maharatna firms would now be
free to decide on investments up
to 15 per cent of their net worth
in a project.
Earlier, the Navaratna companies
could invest up to Rs 1,000 crore
without government approvals.
In order to qualify as a
Maharatna, the process is
bottoms up. This means the
lowest employee should be
proud of his/her company and
contribute to the same according
to the global standards. The 6
point criteria for eligibility as
Maharatna are:
1.Having Navratna status.
2.Listed on Indian stock
exchange with minimum
prescribed public shareholding
under SEBI regulations.
3.An average annual turnover of
more than Rs. 25,000 crore
during the last 3 years.
4.An average annual net worth of
more than Rs. 15,000 crore
during the last 3 years.
5.An average annual net profit
after tax of more than Rs. 5000
crore during the last 3 years.
6.Should have significant global
List of Maharatnas:
1.Coal India Limited
2.Indian Oil Corporation Limited
3.NTPC Limited
4.Oil and Natural Gas Corporation
5.Steel Authority of India Limited

Friday 22 April, 2011

ASEAN (Association of South-East Asian Nations)

Association of South East Asian
Nations. It was established on 8
August 1967 in Bangkok by the
five original Member Countries,
namely, Indonesia, Malaysia,
Philippines, Singapore, and
Thailand. Brunei Darussalam
joined on 8 January 1984,
Vietnam on 28 July 1995, Lao
PDR and Myanmar on 23 July
1997, and Cambodia on 30 April
It is basically meant for economic
cooperation among them. But
the activities are of late
becoming more comprehensive
including in their ambit security,
cultural development and social

Thursday 21 April, 2011


NABARD is set up as an apex
Development Bank with a
mandate for facilitating credit
flow for promotion and
development of agriculture,
small-scale industries, cottage
and village industries, handicrafts
and other rural crafts.
It also has the mandate to
support all other allied economic
activities in rural areas, promote
integrated and sustainable rural
development and secure
prosperity of rural areas. In
discharging its role as a
facilitator for rural prosperity
NABARD is entrusted with
1.Providing refinance to lending
institutions in rural areas
2.Bringing about or promoting
institutional development and
3.Evaluating, monitoring and
inspecting the client banks
Besides this pivotal role, NABARD
•Acts as a coordinator in the
operations of rural credit
•Extends assistance to the
government, the Reserve Bank of
India and other organizations in
matters relating to rural
•Offers training and research
facilities for banks, cooperatives
and organizations working in
the field of rural development
•Helps the state governments in
reaching their targets of
providing assistance to eligible
institutions in agriculture and
rural development
Acts as regulator for cooperative
banks and RRBs
NABARD's functions can be
classified into 4 major categories
viz. Credit Planning, Financial
Services, Promotion and
Development, and Supervision.
Under Credit Planning NABARD
prepares Potential Linked Credit
Plan (PLP) annually for each
district of the country by
assessing potential available in
agriculture and rural sector. This
serves as a guide for banks and
Government agencies to prepare
their own investment and credit
plans in the district and state.
Under its Financial services, it
refinances commercial, co-
operative and regional rural
banks for lending to on farm and
non-farm activities. This includes
farm activities like minor
irrigation, animal husbandry,
farm mechanization, forestry,
fisheries, land development,
horticulture, plantation and
medicinal crops and non-farm
like rural industries, artisans,
handicrafts, handlooms, rural
housing, rural tourism and agro
processing. Refinance is
provided by NABARD for both
long term investment credit as
well as short term production
credit for crop loans and
working capital for non-farm
activities. A nationwide network
of 28 regional offices at the state
capitals, a sub-office at Port Blair
and 391 district development
offices are at hand to cater to
this awesome task.
Self Help Groups (SHGs):
One of the major success stories
of NABARD, the SHG Bank linkage
programme started as a pilot
project in 1992 with 500 SHGs.
SHGs comprise homogeneous
groups of poor people who have
voluntarily come together mainly
with the idea of overcoming
their common problems of low
social and economic status. SHGs
enable the poor, especially the
women from the poor
households, to collectively
identify, prioritize and tackle the
problems they face in their socio
economic environment. By
pooling their meager resources
and using them for lending
among themselves, they develop
the habit of thrift and the skill of
credit appraisal, before getting
mature enough to access a loan
from banks, which is called credit
linkage. Starting with small loans
for consumption they soon
graduate to bigger loans for
setting up of income generating
micro-enterprises. Today,
NABARD's SHG Bank Linkage
Programme boasts of over 26
lakh SHGs and 3.9 crore
households influencing the lives
of over 16 crore poor population.
During the year 2006-07 alone,
as many as 458591 groups were
credit linked.
Rural Infrastructure Development
Fund (RIDF):
Deficient Rural infrastructure
hinders both social and
economic development.
Economists have explicitly
emphasized on the direct
correlation between the index of
infrastructure development and
rural development. NABARD's
support to State Governments
through RIDF since 1995-96 has
brought about a sea change in
the shape of upgraded
infrastructure in rural areas.
Rural roads and bridges under
RIDF have improved market
access to farmers; check dams
and irrigation structures have
augmented their water
resources. Even drinking water
projects and health centres have
been supported under the Fund.
NABARD so far has sanctioned Rs.
61539 crore for 2,44,025
projects under the Fund. A
cumulative position of sector-
wise sanctions as on 31 st March
2007 : Irrigation: Rs. 20637
crore, Rural connectivity: Rs.
26935 crore for rural road
network and bridges, Power: Rs.
1434 crore Social Sector: Rs.
6988 crore Others: Rs. 5547
crore. A separate window has
been created for rural
connectivity with villages of
population less than 500, with a
corpus of Rs. 4,000 crore to
support the Bharat Nirman

Wednesday 20 April, 2011

Pulitzer award to Siddharth Mukharjee.

Pulitzer Prize for
Indian Origin Doctor
Siddhartha Mukherjee is an
Indian-born Bengali American
doctor and non-fiction writer.
He is the author of the 2010
book, The Emperor of All
Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
which won the Pulitzer Prize for
General Non-fiction.
The two other books on the
shortlist were The Shallows:
What the Internet Is Doing to Our
Brain, by Nicholas Carr, and
Empire of the Summer Moon:
Quanah Parker and the Rise and
Fall of the Comanches, the Most
Powerful Indian Tribe in
American History, by S.C. Gwynne.
The Pulitzer Prize is awarded to
Americans for achievements in
newspaper and online
journalism, literature and musical
composition. The prize is
administered by Columbia
University in New York City.
Dr Mukherjee is the fourth
person of Indian origin to win
the prestigious Pulitzer Prize.
The earlier three were:
1. Indian-origin journalist Geeta
Anand was among the staff of
the Wall Street Journal to be
awarded a Pulitzer in 2003 for
explanatory reporting;
2. Indian-origin author Jhumpa
Lahiri won the Pulitzer for fiction
for her book Interpreters of
Maladies in 2000;
3. Indian-origin journalist Gobind
Behari Lal had won the
prestigious prize for reporting in

Tuesday 19 April, 2011

Salient Features of Jan
Lokpal Bill
1. An institution called LOKPAL at
the centre and LOKAYUKTA in
each state will be set up
2. Like Supreme Court and
Election Commission, they will be
completely independent of the
governments. No minister or
bureaucrat will be able to
influence their investigations.
3. Cases against corrupt people
will not linger on for years
anymore: Investigations in any
case will have to be completed in
one year. Trial should be
completed in next one year so
that the corrupt politician, officer
or judge is sent to jail within two
4. The loss that a corrupt person
caused to the government will be
recovered at the time of
5. How will it help a common
citizen: If any work of any citizen
is not done in prescribed time in
any government office, Lokpal
will impose financial penalty on
guilty officers, which will be
given as compensation to the
6. So, you could approach Lokpal
if your ration card or passport or
voter card is not being made or if
police is not registering your
case or any other work is not
being done in prescribed time.
Lokpal will have to get it done in
a month's time. You could also
report any case of corruption to
Lokpal like ration being siphoned
off, poor quality roads been
constructed or panchayat funds
being siphoned off. Lokpal will
have to complete its
investigations in a year, trial will
be over in next one year and the
guilty will go to jail within two
7. But won't the government
appoint corrupt and weak
people as Lokpal members? That
won't be possible because its
members will be selected by
judges, citizens and
constitutional authorities and not
by politicians, through a
completely transparent and
participatory process.
8. What if some officer in Lokpal
becomes corrupt? The entire
functioning of Lokpal/ Lokayukta
will be completely transparent.
Any complaint against any officer
of Lokpal shall be investigated
and the officer dismissed within
two months.
9. What will happen to existing
anti-corruption agencies? CVC,
departmental vigilance and anti-
corruption branch of CBI will be
merged into Lokpal. Lokpal will
have complete powers and
machinery to independently
investigate and prosecute any
officer, judge or politician.
10. It will be the duty of the
Lokpal to provide protection to
those who are being victimized
for raising their voice against